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IPL Photorejuvenation


Intense Pulsed Light Photorejuventatin is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that treats subjacent skin damage by repairing its structural components without damaging external layers. This new technology differs from other cosmetic procedures, including laser skin resurfacaing, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion which repair the skin through controlled damage to its outer layers. The science behind IPL® Photrejuvenation has allowed the production of an anti-aging treatment that restores youth to the superficial layer of the epidermis, while emitting thermal energy to treat underlying structures.


Who Benefits From IPL® Photorejuvenation Treatments?

There are two main causes of aging of the skin: maturity and the environment. Growing older is a natural process, and as our body ages, so does its protective cover – the epidermis. This is called intrinsic aging and cannot be prevented. Over time, skin becomes dry, less elastic, wrinkled, and saggy. Extrinsic aging is the result of an accumulation of environmental factors like sun exposure, as well as habitual exposures to alcohol and tobacco smoke. When we notice that someone looks older than their age, it is due to these external factors.

The term for sun-damaged skin is photoaging. The physical effects of photaging are various discolored blemishes of the skin, including age spots and red blemishes that result from damaged blood vessels, freckles, and deep lines and wrinkles. IPL® Photrejuvenation targets these issues simultaneously within sun-damaged skin. Most often the face, neck, chest, and hands are exposed to more sunlight than other areas of the body, which in turn explains why they are the most commonly treated.

IPL® Photorejuvenation has also successfully treated non-age related benign skin conditions like birthmarks, acne scars, rosacea, veins, and the growth of hair in undesired locations. Patients can visit Dr. Gentile’s office during any portion of their day because there is no recovery time associated with this procedure. It seems as though "lunchtime Botox" patients have been joined by "lunchtime IPL® Photrejuvenation patients", due to the convenience of the twenyt minute procedure. IPL has proven to be the most multifaceted cosmetic treatement option for aging and imperfect skin.


The IPL® Photorejuvenation Procedure

Prior to treatment, Dr. Gentile or a skilled technician applies a topical cooling gel to any areas of skin that will receive treatment, and patients are fitted with protective eye gear. The IPL apparatus is then directed by hand across the skin where light pulses treat the surface, typically without discomfort. The treated areas will probably remain a rosy color for the next hour or two.

The IPL® Photorejuvenation procedure is generally performed in four to six sessions, every three weeks. The skin has exhibited the greatest extent of repair and restoration when IPL is performed under these conditions. IPL® Photorejuvenation reverses damage to the skin over time, producing natural, long lasting results that can remain for over a year. Dr. Gentile can provide patients with in-depth explanations of potential complications as well as remedies following the IPL® Photorejuvenation procedure.

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