Facelift Specialist

Gentile Facial Plastic and Aesthetic Laser Center
Richard D Gentile, MD
Plastic Surgeon located in Youngstown, OH & Akron, OH
A facelift is a common surgical procedure that is used to tone and tighten the skin around your face, giving you a more youthful, healthy appearance. In addition to a standard facelift, you can also explore necklifts, face and neck tightening, laser necklifts, and many more options and combinations so you can find what’s best suited for you. If you are reside in the Youngstown-Warren, Akron-Canton, or Cleveland Metro area or adjacent states, there is no better place to look for any of these procedures than Gentile Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Laser Center. Call the office today or make an appointment with Dr. Gentile using the online scheduling tool.
Facelift Q & A
What is a facelift?
A facelift, sometimes called a rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that can reduce the sagging or folding of skin around your cheeks and jawline, giving you a much younger and healthier look.
How do I know if a facelift could help me?
Facelifts can solve a variety of the most common signs of aging, including:
- Looser, less elastic skin
- Sagging around the cheeks
- Fatty deposits under the jaw
- Deepening in the fold of skin between the nose and corner of the mouth
- Excess fat and skin around the lower neck
A facelift can be an option for more advanced instances of sagging, but sometimes even just a laser facelift or tightening can be effective.
Do I have alternatives to a facelift?
At Gentile Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Laser Center, facelifts are just the beginning; you can also get a necklift, lower facelift, or neck and face tightening. Be sure to see the page on non-excisional facelifts as well to learn if that may be an option for you as well.
If you are especially concerned about the sag around your mouth or jaw, a lower facelift could be an option. Similarly, necklifts are a solution to another common problem area.
For some people a laser necklift is also possible, making the effective image-enhancement surgery even less invasive, so you look your best as quickly as possible.
Finding the right procedure for you is as much an art as a science, so the best way to learn what’s right for you is to see Dr. Gentile for a consultation.
What happens during a facelift?
Facelifts can be done with anything from local to general anesthesia, meaning you definitely won’t feel your facelift and that you might be fully unconscious for it. Dr. Gentile will help you design the best treatment option for your particular needs.
During a facelift, two small incisions are made on either side of your face, creating two flaps of skin. These are then gently pulled back, and then the tissue under the skin is surgically altered to pull back, tighten, or “lift” the skin on your face back into its former, more youthful position. Excess skin is then removed, and the incisions are sutured closed.
Facelifts are a very common surgery, and while they carry risks associated with any surgical procedure, they are not considered especially dangerous or invasive.
If you are considering a facelift or any other skin rejuvenation or treatment, call the office or set up an appointment online.
Click here to learn about FaceLifts
Click here to learn about Lower FaceLifts
Click here to read about Mini-Lifts & "New Necklifts" here
Click here to read about Laser SmartLifting FaceLifts
Facial Rejuvenation Conventional
Facial Rejuvenation Non Excisional / Limited Excisions
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