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Dr. Richard Gentile a board certified Facial Plastic Surgeon with offices in Youngstown, Ak-ron and Cleveland Ohio was the featured speaker in Tehran, Iran at the 13th Congress of the Iranian Society of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery October 2-5, 2012. Dr. Gentile joined international faculty from the USA as well as Italy, Australia, India, Canada, Norway and other countries.

“It was a great pleasure to share our techniques with our Iranian colleagues who like the people of Iran share a keen interest in cosmetic surgery said Dr. Gentile “I was honored to be able to teach them the interesting developments in laser assisted face-lifting as well as the particulars of our surgical approaches and philosophy.

Dr. Gentile gave nine presentations reviewing current techniques in blepharoplasty, brow and forehead lifting face-lifting and otoplasty. He chaired a panel on modern techniques of rhytidectomy with panelists from Iran and contributed to a panel on Rhinoplasty revisions. Dr. Gentile notes that the Iranian Facial Plastic Surgeons were highly skilled in their surgi-cal approaches and many had received specialized training in the USA.

The scientific program was outstanding but as Dr. Gentile notes “It was particularly fasci-nating to talk to the Iranians both in medicine and the people on the street. I think we get a skewed view of Iranian society and the people due to the constantly negative stories we receive based on the current government of Iran. The people of Iran are kind, generous, respectful, curious and most harbor no ill will against Americans. It was a pleasant revela-tion to see things as they are with my own eyes…”

For more information on Dr. Gentile and his practice in Cosmetic & Laser Surgery includ-ing the Smartlipo TriPlex LaserBodySculpting® system Cellulaze or LaserSmartLift or Tickle LIFT, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gentile please call the office at 330-758-2001 or consult

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